Kitchen Ecology Unit (KEU) also known as Pollution Control Unit (PCU). It is a complete filter arrangement developed to remove smoke, grease particles and to control odour from the exhaust air stream of kitchen hoods along with exhaust fans, Ecology Unit is considered a perfect solution for commercial kitchens which usually serve Hotels, restaurants, Hospital and Food industry.
The ecological system is an environmentally-friendly solution that helps maintain air quality. The main objective of the ecological system is to extract the maximum amount of grease in the air emanating from the kitchen hood, to then vent it through the exhaust system and out of the building.
The benefits and features of AAF’s KEU:
Grease and Smoke (Particulates) - The equipment removes the particulate contaminants (grease aerosols, moisture, other particulate) that are carried over into the exhaust air stream using electrostatic precipitators in combination with the appropriate stages of particulate filters. These include metal washable filters, high capacity bag filters, and high efficiency (MERV 16) pleated filters. In applications with lighter loading of particulates, solutions may solely use stages of particulate filters. In both cases, it is critical to performance and safety that proper maintenance, cleaning, and replacement are performed as required for the application.
Odors (Gases) - Odors result from the release of volatile organic compounds during cooking operations. These volatile organic compounds are in the gas -phase; they are not removed by the particulate contaminant solutions mentioned above. The most widespread solution to remove these compounds is activated carbon applied in filtration cells such as metal cassettes or canisters. In some instances, applications have used a blend of activated carbon and other media. The filtration cells are commonly designed to achieve at least 0.1 seconds of residence time, however, the actual configuration and associated residence time will depend on the cooking operations taking place inside the kitchen.
Exhaust of plume at the same level - The kitchen exhaust hood design provides optimum performance and energy efficiency in commercial kitchen ventilation systems by properly selecting and sizing exhaust hoods. Plume raised will be captured by the hood and removed by the suction of the exhaust fan at the same level.
Industry Applications:
· Corporate Canteen Space
· Hospital & School Canteen
· Indian Restaurants
· Five Star kitchen
· Mall Food Court
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